Product summary Product : 03163 KFAS2410

  • LTV 75%
  • Mortgage type Fixed
  • Term 5
  • Initial rate 6.39%
  • Product fee 0%
  • ERC


    (see below)

Missed mortgage/rent arrears

In the last 12 months aren’t normally accepted but may be considered subject to individual case assessment.

Unsecured arrears

Not counted*

* Whilst unsecured arrears are not counted, we reserve the right to consider on a case-by-case basis as part of the full underwrite.

County court judgments or registered defaults

None in the last 36 months. Must be satisfied prior to mortgage application.


These are acceptable where one of the following applies:
• All CCJs/defaults were registered more than three years ago and satisfied prior to mortgage application
• All CCJs/defaults were satisfied more than 12 months prior to application regardless of date of registration
• The CCJs/defaults in aggregate amount to less than £300, regardless of date of registration, and satisfied prior to mortgage application

Individual voluntary arrangement (IVA) and discharged bankrupts

IVA/bankrupts who have been discharged over three years ago and who have no residual debt may be accepted subject to individual case assessment.


Not acceptable.

Debt management plans

Not acceptable.

Repayment terms available?

Capital and interest repayment only

Porting available?

Revert rate

BBR + 1.99%

Bank of England Base Rate (BBR): 5.00%

Minimum loan


Maximum loan


Early repayment charges

Year one: 4%

Year two: 4%

Year three: 3%

Year four: 3%

Year five: 2%


5-35 years

Maximum share value


Product fee


Application fee


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