Product summary Product : 03158 KFAR2410

  • LTV 85%
  • Mortgage type Fixed
  • Term 5
  • Initial rate 6.59%
  • Product fee 0.5%
  • ERC


    (see below)

County court judgments *

0 in the last 12 months (1 in the last 24 months)*

* All CCJs and defaults must be paid prior to the application or must meet our ignore CCJ/default criteria

Defaults *

0 in the last 12 months (1 in the last 24 months)*

* All CCJs and defaults must be paid prior to the application or must meet our ignore CCJ/default criteria

County court judgments and defaults ignored when one of the following applies

< £300 in total and satisfied > 12 months prior to the application. Registered > 24 months whether satisfied or not.

Missed mortgage/secured loan payments

0 in the last 12 months and currently up to date.

Unsecured arrears

2 in the last 12 months and currently up to date.

Maximum status

Currently up to date. Previous maximum status ignored.

Communication, utility & mail order

Performance ignored where the account balance is less than £500 (single or in aggregate).

Debt management plans

Satisfactorily conducted for minimum of 12 months.


> 6 years discharged


Not acceptable.

Repayment terms available?

Part interest-only and part capital terms available?

By exception only

Porting available?

Revert rate

BBR + 2.24%

Bank of England Base Rate (BBR): 5.00%

Minimum loan


Maximum loan


Early repayment charges

Year one: 4%

Year two: 4%

Year three: 3%

Year four: 3%

Year five: 2%


5-35 years

Product fee


Application fee


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