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Three simple ways to save time and speed up your applications

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Alan Kimber | 04.10.2022

Does it sometimes feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day?

Why not gain some precious time back by following these three simple tips when sending us your clients’ applications.

Not only could they help us process their cases quicker, they could also help you to meet their expectations and secure repeat business in the future.

Tip 1: Make sure we’ve got all of the correct documentation

Getting it right first time by sending us all of the documentation we need, such as evidence of identity and residency, bank statements and proof of income, helps us to complete the initial underwrite as efficiently and quickly as possible.

Tip 2: Do sweat the small stuff

Detail and consistency are both essential for any mortgage application. If there’s anything missing, there’s a risk the case will be rejected.

Making sure a client’s name is spelt correctly, the date of birth is accurate and their address details are right can help us avoid having to carry out additional and unnecessary credit searches.

Tip 3: Paint us a picture

We individually assess each case we receive, which means we can review information an automated lender might not be able to.

The more information we have, the more it can help support an application. Is your client an experienced landlord? How many properties are involved? Have they got a clean credit record?

If you think it’s important, we want to know about it!

To give you a helping hand, our application checklist details the essential documents we need to see to make an initial underwriting decision, while our searchable criteria guide gives you the information you need at your fingertips.

You can even get guidance on how much we may be able to lend with our buy to let and residential calculators.

To find out more, speak with your business development manager, call our broker liaison team on 01634 888276 or contact us via Live Chat.

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